Studying in English

The National School of Engineering inTarbes offers you several ways to study in English :

  • The European Project Semester (EPS), a programme in which students obtain international experience in a multidiciplinair and multicultural project for one semester in another university. 
  • The Master Industry 4.0 which aim is to train engineering experts in order to be able to address the new challenges of current and future generations of digital societies.


  •  French Class (French as Foreign Language)


ENIT offers to all international students a class of "French as a Foreign Language" (FLE). Beyond learninf French, this class offers the possibility of discovering a new culture and acquiring a better understanding of French habits and customs.


Enabling our international students to broaden the range of tools and elements of communication is to set the objective of accompanying them to a higher level of understanding and adaptation: to understand and be understood in everyday and/or professional situations.


This is a definite enrichment thanks to the development of human skills such as respect, tolerance and compassion.

  • République Française
  • Université de Toulouse
  • CTI
  • Région Occitanie
  • Erasmus plus
  • Midi Sup
  • ENIT Alumni
  • Label Bienvenue en France
  • Label FCU
  • Qualiopi
  • Qualiopi