The training provided by ENIT opens the way for students with ENIT degrees to hold a range of posts.


  • Methods, production control, maintenance: 20%
  • R&D: 18%
  • Production and Operations: 14%
  • Studies, Consultancy: 13%
  • Quality, Safety, Security: 8%
  • Purchasing, Logistics: 8%
  • Business Engineer: 5%
  • Other fields: 14%


Corporate sector

  • Automotive,  aeronautical and railway industry: 39%
  • Consultancy and design office: 17%
  • Building construction: 15%
  • Energy: 7%
  • Metallurgy: 6%
  • Chemical industry : 5%
  • Telecomms: 3%
  • Other fields: 8%

Key performance indicators

  • 90% of our students are offered permanent contracts of employment  in their first job
  • 80% of our students find a job within 3 months of graduating
  • 39% of our students find work in the aeronautical, automotive or shipbuilding industry
  • République Française
  • Université de Toulouse
  • CTI
  • Région Occitanie
  • Erasmus plus
  • Midi Sup
  • ENIT Alumni
  • Label Bienvenue en France
  • Label FCU
  • Qualiopi
  • Qualiopi