Our study offer is organized in individual courses grouped into standard course units, which are offered to both regular and exchange students. Each course unit is assigned a number of ECTS credits. Students also have the possibility of making up their own tailor-made course units with a free choice of individual courses.


Assessment of individual courses is based on written exams, oral exams or written assignments, resulting on a national numerical mark between 0 and 20. The mark assigned to the overall course unit is a weighted average of the individual marks, based on the number of hours per individual courses.


In order to be awarded the number of credits corresponding to a course unit, the overall mark must be above 10/20.


Between 8/20 and 10/20, the student is awarded the FX grade, and under 8/20 the student will be awarded the F grade.


For standard course units, ECTS grades from A to E correspond to the usual percentages in the group of students who have taken the same unit:

  • A = 10%
  • B = 25%
  • C = 30%
  • D = 25%
  • E = 10%


For tailor-made course units, the number of students following the same unit is not big enough to apply percentages. The following correspondence is then applied:

  • A = mark above 15/20
  • B = between 14 and 15
  • C = between 12 and 14
  • D = between 11 and 12
  • E = between 10 and 11
  • FX = between 8 and 10
  • F = below 8
  • République Française
  • Université de Toulouse
  • CTI
  • Région Occitanie
  • Erasmus plus
  • Midi Sup
  • ENIT Alumni
  • Label Bienvenue en France
  • Label FCU
  • Qualiopi
  • Qualiopi