PJ1 and PJ2 projects were started during courses and have to be finished by the student himself, in his free time. The student has to write, with the others students composing the working group, a report for each project. _This report has to show clearly hypothesis, simulation input parameters, commented results with curves and graphs, analysis and conclusion.
The purpose of damage mechanics is to study and model the progressive deterioration of the material that precedes macroscopic failure. The objective of this course is to present the mechanical tools used to account for the various damage processes and to demonstrate their interest in the optimal design of structures.
These tools will be used to model the fatigue of composite materials.
I - Partie théorique
1. Processus de détérioration : phénomènes microscopiques et manifestations macroscopiques mécanique (dégradation des propriétés, anisotropie induite, effet unilatéral)
2. Mécanique de l'endommagement : objectifs, échelle d'étude, principes généraux
3. Description de l'endommagement : approches microscopique (comptage, fonction de densité de défauts) et macroscopique (propriétés physiques, propriétés mécaniques, notion de contrainte effective)
4. Démarche de modélisation : Thermodynamique des processus irréversibles, variables d'état, potentiel thermodynamique, loi d'évolution, aspects numériques
5. Exemple : un modèle d'endommagement isotrope
6. Fatige des matériaux composites : phénoménologie, classes de modèles et modèles utilisés en fatigue
-TD Etude de modèles d¿endommagement fragiles et ductiles
- Analyse des lois de comportement et calcul de structures avec ABAQUS
I - Theoretical part
1. Deterioration processes: microscopic phenomena and mechanical macroscopic manifestations (property degradation, induced anisotropy, unilateral effect)
2. Damage mechanics: objectives, scale, general principles
3. Description of damages: microscopic (counting, defect density function) and macroscopic (physical properties, mechanical properties, effective stress) approaches
4. Modelling approach: Thermodynamics of irreversible processes, state variables, thermodynamic potential, evolution law, numerical aspects
5. Example: an isotropic damage model
6. Fatigue of composite materials: phenomenology, model classes and models used in fatigue
- Tutorial work: Study of fragile and ductile damage models
- Practical work: Analysis of behaviour laws and structural simulation with ABAQUS
Pré-requis obligatoires
M2.1 Calcul de structures ¿ Bases + Avancées
M2.1 Calculation of structures - Bases + Advanced
PJ1 : Projet 1
PJ2 : Projet 2
En bref
Langue d'enseignementFrançais
Université de Technologie de Tarbes Occitanie Pyrénées